Indigo, or I dingo? Anagram Leads to Mirror Poem

There’s been a lot of news relevant to this world recently. After putting Meghan Markle in her place on this site’s sister site,, recently I read she’s in New York now, staying with lots of friends in the swankiest hotel, and eating at the best restaurants – after complaining about UK universities being pale, male and stale; very ageist and racist! We are the natives of this country and continent, as Africans are in Africa – not Europe, Caribbean or Americas! Maybe Meghan should campaign for native people and cultures instead of invasive ones!!

Karl Lagerfeld Died Aged 85

I don’t think Karl Lagerfeld was definitely a better person than Meghan Markle overall, but I think he was more honest and les hypocritical. He used image and soundbites openly and honestly, and I think that made him fair game for parody; as all celebrities are.

For one last bit of parody, my epitaph for him is that while he was a legend in fashion, and created a uniquely memorable persona, he will surely be best remembered for providing a quarter of one of the greenYgrey world’s most memorable names: fashionista suprema, Stella Lagerwolf-Bruno.

Funnily enough, in a weird rather than comical way, I’d been writing about fashion on travel25years and mentioned Stella Lager… just before seeing the news about Karl Lagerfeld’s passing.

Indigo Dreams

Today, I saw a story on Russian wonder kid, Boriska Kipriyanovich, who is said to have known about space without being taught anything. Was he born in space as he thinks, or was the knowledge passed down to him in his DNA? Somebody called him an indigo.

It’s a term I remembered from long ago, so I looked it up again, and wrote this new Folding Mirror poem from the 7 Traits of Indigo Adults article. I think I’ve had all seven traits, but some are waning now, due to the state of humanity and the world. I don’t know if they are something most people identify with, as mediums in seances are said to ask general questions familiar to most people, according to sceptics like Derren Brown.

Here’s an image of an indigo person doing a spectacular Y-POP (PinkyOrangePurple):

It’s Hard To Be Indigo, When Losing All You Know

Am I an indigo
or just its anagram
I dingo
I could be both
as indigos empathise
with animals

middle of seven traits, first is asking why

life purpose
the ending sign
making me wonder if
I reached
the end of ambition
mind eye my mission

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