The Poetry Weekend Starts Here…And Ends Somewhere Else

Australian racegoers enjoy a merry-go-round at...
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Marc Latham returns today to lower the tone and standards after some wonderful recent poetry on this site.

It’s a typically introspective and self-reflective ditty from Marc, which will hopefully tie your mind up in knots, and give you something to ponder over the weekend…but don’t be getting paranoid…like Marc…but is Marc paranoid…or just a realist…

Atypically, it has a very long headline, with Marc obviously not able to turn the poetry tap off this morning!

And without further ado, here it is: enjoy.

I Am What You See
But You Are Not Me
Six Billion + of You
Myself – Only a Few

thought I’d say
pack your bags
that’s how three
simple words leave
sent off travelling
on merry go
round and round

my words, your words

same letters return
but different so
why is meaning
changed through travel
three words add
two and two
together for five.


Poems Taking Higher Form of Love to the Stars

Copper just above its melting point keeps its ...
Image via Wikipedia

After Jean Knill’s lovely poem last week, I was very pleased to hear from Zoya Gautam again this week, and receive  some new mirror and haiku poems.  Zoya created Princess of the Night, and shared it here in June 2009, which is nearly two years ago now.  Time flies when you’re having fun!

These new offerings are also wonderful, and there is much more at Zoya’s blogs: horizon next and insane2bsane

Zoya wanted both the haikus that follow Cinders to be combined under the caption ‘love’.

Thanks to Zoya for creating and sharing the poems.  Enjoy and have a great start to the week…

_’ cinders ‘

the word is soft on the senses
its meaning grows upon me
light born of a heated object
so i look at your being
losing myself in your thoughts
till i surface in your irises
a tear like liquid gasoline
dousing the cinders of sorrow
aglow with my agonies
your incandescence  ..

~ `~  ~ `~

_’ love ‘

water in your eyes
burns like a flame in the skies
each star is a tear ..

~ ~

no smoke and no heat
i watch the incandescence
of silent sorrows .

Poem Inspired by Nature’s Morning Glory

Morning Rays through trees
Image by Angelrays via Flickr

Today we have a lovely nature folding mirror poem by Jean Knill, who has her own blog and also blogs at Writelink.  The poem is very apt after a sunny early  spring morning.  Here’s Jean’s account of how the poem came to life:

My inspiration for this poem started when I opened the curtains on the French window and sat down at the table next to it to have breakfast.  It was just getting light.  The trees in next door’s garden were dark against the sky, and we could make out some little birds on the high branches.  Later, sitting on top of a double decker bus driving through the Dorset countryside, I marvelled at the colours of the trees and other vegetation we were passing when the sun came out from behind the clouds. 

I wanted to write a folding mirror poem, but some of the words that came to mind were quite lengthy and I couldn’t mirror them in the right place in the other half of the verse.  They were going to make the poem seem lopsided.  So I decided to count syllables instead, as I do when I write haiku.  This poem was the result.

The syllable count is: 5-9-7-5-9-7 (4) 7-9-5-7-9-5

Thanks for explaining the poem Jean, and also for creating and sharing it…and the syllables lesson too.

 Nature’s Kaleidoscope

 In early morning
leafless black branches are silhouettes
against the lightening sky.
Small winged acrobats
swing among the flimsy topmost stems
before  flying off en masse.

 Here comes the sun,

 flames the sky with orange streaks,
climbing higher, turning trees into
a kaleidoscope.
Gold, copper and lime emerge
from dull grey bark until a cloud shroud
melts them off again.

Poem of Diamonds and Mermaids Combined in Clear Seas

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Today, fmpoetry is delighted to present a Marc Latham poem that appeared in the fresh off the press final instalment of Wendy Webb’s mermaid saga, Mermaids Off Cromer Pier and Other Poems

Thanks to Wendy for accepting the poem into the book, and Happy Valentine’s to all the diamond mermaids out there…

The Diamond Mermaid

 setting sail from pungent ports
sailors voyaged day and night
navigating sea by stars
enduring searing sun and sleeting snow
Inuit, Viking, Inca and Maori
seeking counsel with
ocean ethereal
nature’s wonder and only

Mermaid diamreM

angel high diamond low
depths dolphinian
marine life confidante
Flipper, Willy, Nemo and Moby
swimming tropical islands and arctic ice
using sonar and memory
mermaids sometimes swim with ships
when they smell something fishy

Having Problems Communicating Poem

Diagram about boundary problem, is problem dis...
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Here’s a quick stream of consciousness ditty by Marc Latham, about how whatever you do can be spun negatively, and especially if you are isolated/in a minority group.

Not saying it’s always that way of course, as sometimes the majority’s criticism of the loner/minority is deserved.

It’s for the beloved Greenygrey and supporters, who are at this very moment locked in battle against the dreaded Grand Council.

Twist and Shake the Snake

you get back
what you put in
or so they say
but, what if your
input is


by god
no, by your fellow
those who want self
right up there above
behind your back

Three Poetry Forms Combined Give a Folding Mirror Effect

Image via Wikipedia

Today we have a poem Wendy Webb created combining three poetry forms she has created. It appeared in the February issue of eTips, which is freely available upon request from Wendy and the Norfolk poets.

Wendy’s explanation of the forms and the poem follows MECHOGI ANDROS. Thanks to Wendy for creating and sharing it, and publishing FM poetry and publicising this website in Tips

MECHOGI ANDROS (Magi, Echotain, Andropian combined) Wendy Webb  

Thrillingly sumptuously thrillingly

simple spills simpler

clearer or clear

glass as glass


sand slip sands

coarse on coarser

lifelong ebbing lifetime

effervescing water’s effervescence.


 Wendy Webb: 

In the above example, this poem meets the rules of form for a Magi (3 verses, of 3 lines each, with 3 words per line; no syllable count is necessary, and simple punctuation is used). It also meets form requirements for the Echotain (using echo sounds; using positive images in whatever shape enhances the message: in this case, an hourglass). It also meets form requirements for an Andropian (nine lines forming a saltire, Scottish cross, in which lines one and nine use the same echo word, though variation is allowed; the title uses the repeating word plus the crux of the cross). P.S: My shortest accepted poem was THREE WORDS – yours could be… a blank page! Tattoed on your skin. Or shared in 4-D inside an art gallery!

In order to write a Freestyle Mechogi Andros, it is recommended that you break all of the above rules, particularly the concrete nature of this form and to treat it like a Freestyle Haiku. For best results, reduce to the fewest words / syllables to write your message. For eloquence, surround the poem with white space and submit to your chosen editor. Bear in mind that nothing is more eloquent than silence, absence and emptiness. The first poet whose poem is accepted for publication, let me know.

P.S. Marc Latham has a humorous non-FM poem published on everydaypoets today.

New Folding Mirror Poems Published Elsewhere and Updated Here

Saturn eclipsing the sun, seen from behind fro...
Image via Wikipedia

Hi, a few good news stories to present here today.

Planet of the Rings poem to be part of a Saturn Celebration

I was delighted to receive a request from Alison Eales to include my Saturn poem, Planet of the Rings in an event she is taking part in at the Glasgow Science Centre Planetarium – a celebration of the planet Saturn, featuring an educational talk and video of the Cassini-Huygens mission as well as a song cycle.

Thanks to Alison for using the poem, and best of luck for the event.

Folding Mirror Poem Published

Islands of the Sky and Sea has now been published on the Poets for Living Waters open mic site. 

Thanks to them for giving it an additional home amongst lots of great poems for a valuable charity initiative.

Folding Mirror poems on this site updated

I have also updated the poems on this site, and am pleased to say there are now 141 poems on this site.

The list is available in the Poems and Poetry on this Site  post.