Paul Theroux Spots the Greenygrey in Africa

Fynbos, a floral kingdom unique to South Afric...
Image via Wikipedia

Hi, it’s Green.

Paul Theroux (Louis’s father for those who prefer investigative documentaries) wrote consistently nice phrases in his Dark Star Safari: Overland from Cairo to Cape Town (2002) book, but my favourite is on page 390, while travelling in Zimbabwe:

‘The land was dry, the grass a dusty green that made it silver in the sun.’

Reminds me of the good old days with Grey that does.

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New Words in the 21st Century: Variations on 20th Century

Book cover
Image by Vince Alongi via Flickr

Hi, it’s Susie Dentinfang here, Werewolfish language graduate, and word expert on the popular Werewolf TV quiz programme: Countdown to the Full Moon.  Greenygrey has now grown of its original use in the Greenygrey world, and is commonly used in werewolf circles, such as the full moon.

Having enjoyed learning the many uses of greenygrey in the werewolf world I thought it would be fun to bring you some uses it has found in the human world.  Here are two:

Greenygrey Landscape and Weather 

The original use of greenygrey in the human world was for the British landscape, but this combination of green and grey can be seen in most places with grey stone and green flora.  Bringing green into the equation hopefully puts a positive spin on grey days.

‘Isn’t it a lovely greenygrey day and location.’

The Doublethink Grey Area

Greenygrey has also found use as a kind of doublethink (George Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty-Four) grey area; for grey areas which seem more than one-dimensional.  In this way it seems to be a 21st century version of Joseph Heller’s Catch-22 double-bind logic.

Person 1: ‘I don’t know if that is a greenhouse or house of grey.’
Person 2: ‘That’s what I’d call a greenygrey area.’

I hope you’ve enjoyed these examples of greenygrey,
and will have fun putting them into play.

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British Summertime Greys Limit Harmful UV Rays

Cloudy Day at The Beach
Image by StarMama via Flickr
Sun is Strange,
Rain is Rare,
Cloud is Consistent,
Dryness can be persistent.
In what has been forecast to be a mostly cloudy few days in the UK, Marc Latham’s latest Folding Mirror poem dwells on this dull but calm type of weather, which is probably the norm in Britain, but because of its uneventfulness often passes unremembered.
This is the essence of Greenygrey.  Here is the poem:
Times of Dry
about time.
Where have
you been?
in a month
of Sundays,
I bask under
your golden rays.
dry cloudy normality
Ice water drops
drain my day,
stopping play.
Pours on weekend.
it seems
wetter than
reality is.

Car Adverts Love Greenygrey

Hi, it’s Wolfswagon Otto-Bonnet, the car expert at the Greenygrey. Skoda initiated the car industry‘s love of greenygrey with their Fabia vRS ‘Mean Green’ advert:

That advert had very masculine connotations, but now Kia has balanced the greenygrey car advert gender count with the sleekly feminine Picanta advert, which seems to be aimed at the roaring girls market.  It brings a new angle to the evolving use of greenygrey in British culture by using a green coloured car and mostly grey cat (with green eyes):

Whatever next for the greenygrey!?

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Poem featuring Great Spirit Creation Myth missing link?

Grandfather Great Spirit , Fill Us With The Light.
Image by ZedZaP... via Flickr
Marc Latham’s latest poem continues along the theme of other recent poems involving the Great Spirit, Father Sky and Mother Earth inspired by Peter Prew’s The Human Reality.
At the heart of this poem is Marc Latham’s original creation myth for the Greenygrey: that it was born when the green Earth and grey Sky were as one in greenygrey.
This could make the Greenygrey the missing link in the Great Spirit Father Sky and Mother Earth creation myth!?  Here’s the poem:
When Earth and Sky are as One
Father Sky
riding high
except times
when its cirrus
fly amongst
mountain forests
and pea soup
joins it to Earth
Tis the time of Greenygrey
Sky is within reach
touch the void
swirling seraphim
seaside fog
rolling in estuary
islands bliss
giving birth
Mother Earth

Green Thinking about Identity

Optical illusion. Both circles and both square...
Image via Wikipedia

In the above image, both squares and circles are really the same colours.

Hi, it’s Green.  I was catching up with Grey’s latest Werewolf of blogs, and read that it saw a television documentary called The Code, and that it made Grey wonder if green and grey are dominant colours in nature and the human mind.

We are still rebuilding communications with Oz, so cannot bring the blogs into the Greenygrey world at the current time.

Horizon: What is Colour, and How does it Influence?

No sooner had I read that, than I read an article by our ol’ buddy, Marc Latham, on Suite 101, about a Horizon documentary that had the latest research on how colour is created and how it influences us.

It theorises that colour is subjective and influenced by society and language. Colour can also influence our moods and behaviour.  I’m happy to say that green is usually considered good by the human mind, with red its negative opposite.

The programme is available until September 19th on the BBC website, but I don’t know if it’s available in your human world country.

Poem Wondering if Insects Worship their Queen

Pachamama or Mama Pacha "Mother Earth&quo...
Image via Wikipedia
 Marc Latham’s new Folding Mirror poem wonders if insects such as bees and ants think of their queens as goddesses.  Bees have democracy, so why not religion?
Maybe the idea in some human religions of the Earth Mother giving birth to all life was inspired by the insect colonies, as the queen bee and queen ant are the mothers of all others in their colonies.
One day we might have the knowledge and technology to find out.  Until then, here’s the poem:
My God, An Insect
high above
temple building
Mother Earth
complex colony
work around

Welcome to the New Greenygrey World

Lord lovelace bridge
Image by wimbledonian via Flickr

Hi, it’s Green.  Sorry I haven’t been able to get any messages out, but we have had a spot of trouble here, and there’s been no time for literary nonsense.

Dodo Promise Turns Howlfowl into a Turkey

Remember Wolfeather Howlfowl, our resident bird expert?

Well, unfortunately, his love for birds made him vulnerable to Grand Council bribery, and when they offered it everlasting life as a dodo, with his own island and menagerie, it was too much for him to resist.

Grand Council Surprise Us From Uranus

So, I’m afraid he sold us out and told the GC of a secret porthole into the Greenygrey world, and the GC were able to launch a surprise counter-attack from their base in Uranus.

A terrible and costly battle ensued, and our old world crumbled around us as we resisted.

Ethelwulf and Wolfgang showed particular bravery, while Nurse Wolfert acted heroically in tending the injured.

The Greenygrey World was Saved

In the end, our defences proved sufficient, and the GC were repelled.

All your support was also greatly appreciated and helped us through the epic battle.

We are now rebuilding our world, and hope you will like the new home.

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Poem Wondering if Politicians can offer Hope for Humanity and Lathamity

As David Cameron and Ed Miliband present their policy for the future of Britain, Marc Latham’s new Folding Mirror poem is inspired by national and global events rather than personal or local ones, with the ‘riot tsunami’ that spread north from London not crossing the Pennines to Leeds.  The BBC reported this as being because of strong community liaison work in Leeds.
The riots seem to be the tip of the iceberg, with many rioters expressing their desire to get rich quick like the investment bankers exposed in recent scandals, rather than wanting a better society and world.
Hope for Humanity or Full Speed to Calamity?
I used to hope humanity was progressing
but now I just find them depressing
looking out from within, searching inside without
or maybe it’s because I’m getting older
and no longer view civilisation with wonder

August Poem: Flock of Suns Fly South on Season Wind

Image by just4ikarus via Flickr
Marc Latham’s latest Folding Mirror poem combines a couple of ideas that could have been separate haikus into a Folding Mirror poem, with a linking middle. Don’t know if it works!
It is not a suicide poem, it’s a survival one.  And here it is:
Summer’s Sunset Soliloquy
suicide by sunshine
recommended over
burning inside
squeezing sunlight serotonin stipend
depth searching
within shallows
risks your sinking