South Park Harry and Meghan Waaa(r)gh Movie: Canada Invasion 2

In hopefully the last post about South Park‘s Harry and Meghan show; uh, I mean the thrilling denouement (finale, ending); I think we’ve got enough material and ideas for a South Park ‘Mega Harry’ movie; especially with the Canada connection set up by Harry and Meghan being portrayed as the Prince and Princess of Canada connecting to the previous movie.

In South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut (1999) Terrance and Phillip’s farting craze provokes a war between USA and Canada, and now the ‘Prince and Princess of Canada’ could start another one (fictional of course!) with their spying!

Mega Harry Rhymes with Moriarty

I was also thinking that Mega Harry sounds similar to Moriarty; Sherlock Holmes’s nemesis; so that could be included in the spy plot.

King Charles 3 seems quite a Sherlockian character, and I’m sure he’s got a Mrs Hudson housekeeper or two looking after him (just searched Mrs Hudson and saw Holmes has quite a few royal visitors!); although Mega Harry is more of a nemesis for William and Kate!

I guess Stan is the most Sherlockian of the South Parkians; in character and name: Stanlock Holmes!?

Mata Hari in Music

As set out a few blogs ago, I based Mega Harry on Mata Hari of course, and in one of the many cases where truth is stranger than fiction, Azerbaijan’s entry for Eurovision in 2021 (there was a bloody war between them and Armenia [ancestral home of Kardashians!] in late 2020 costing thousands of lives!) by Efendi (Ottoman Empire [which included large parts of Europe colonised and enslaved, with some still ‘occupied’ by their descendants; just dropped that in with reference to the one-sided anti-white European Christian-colonialism haters! Not the native people, but the ‘lefties’ who only focus on one side!!] connected term!) was Mata Hari.

The lyrics of the song by a ‘woman of colour’ I’m sure Meghan approves of, boasts about lying for spying, poisoning and being a dangerous lover like Cleopatra (who of course ran away with her Roman lover Mark Antony; taking him back to her home in Egypt; as Meghan took Harry away from his Rome-style home back to hers!)

If you like the above satire/parody from a Comms Studies PhD graduate; the school of spying!; there’s plenty more in the criminally overlooked (by the UK media and book reading/publishing industry) XaW Files: Beyond Humanity (X-Files); and even a little more in Werewolf of Oz (Wizard of Oz) on Amazon. And if you’re from South Park or somewhere similar and want to use it, or my writing, please let me know!!