Samhaim to Halloween Poem

The Alice Cooper poem got Halloween week off to a rocking start, but then the dreaded lurgy did strike, and knocked poor Marc Latham out until Halloween itself. So, not much of a Halloween week, but it did inspire this poem to finish off the festivities.  It comments on the way the pagan festival celebrating the dead has been demonised and cheapened by modern religious culture, but it’s all good fun!

Samhaim to Halloween

Samhain ideas were flying around my mind
but then the spirits decided to play
with the meanest mischief
they could display

burn and bite, twist the fright

lay down mortal
tis our annual festival
time to fall upon Earth once more
Halloween is code for evil and devil

New Halloween Week Poem Interprets Rock Music’s Alice Cooper Cover

Image via Wikipedia

To begin Halloween week, Marc Latham’s latest Folding Mirror poem interprets rock music legend Alice Cooper‘s Alice Does Alice 2010 record cover, which is featured below, and seems to have a mirror format.

The mirror theme seems to be common and recurrent in Alice creator, Vincent Furnier’s work, and the album cover to your right also seems very much in line with a folding mirror.


The poem:


 All Cooper

Alice, meet Cooper
under the moonlight
Furnier’s alter ego
could just become your hero
if you’ll get to know him
in amongst all that din

Getting to grips with the relationship

having a heart to heart
two hands in one play part
palm and neck closely embrace
snarling Vincent’s face
beside the firelight
Cooper, meet Alice

Edited after expert advice from Annie Sisk. Thanks Annie.

Chile Mine Rescue Location Poem

Another picture of Atacama desert with the sun...
Image via Wikipedia

The Chile mine rescue was a great good news story this week, and it reminded Marc Latham of a Folding Mirror poem he wrote a while ago, after Wendy Webb of the Norfolk Poets, Tips and Etips requested contributions to a Crossing Deserts ebook.  Marc Latham thought his experience of travelling high and low in Chile’s Andean Atacama desert would fit the Crossing Deserts theme, and the Folding Mirror format would be an ideal format, so he wrote this poem:

ATM in the AM: Atacama Thought Mission in the Morning

high in the Andes
on an early morning sojourn
passing lakes of clear cerulean
nestled amongst snow capped zeniths
our bus plummets

through the moon valley plateau

into fertile Camanchaca
hydrated by marine fog agua
vizcachas bask in golden sun
follow the rays for fun
low on the Pacific

Thanks also to Wendy for including Marc Latham’s Sights of the Sagarmatha Himalayas poem in the latest Tips, and Caroline Gill poetry for publicising it.

Article Citing Research Linking Biological and Political Development

Image via Wikipedia

World Science has just published an article featuring research finding that political development has a similar structure to that found in biological systems.  It ties in nicely with the Time Stands Still poem recently published to this site.

It also has an article about butterflies treating their young, which is relevant for the ant theory poetry previously featured on the site.

Thanks to World Science and the researchers for the info, and you for visiting.  Have a great weekend!

Poetry with a Middle-Age Double Mirror Maudlin Mix

Marc Latham’s latest Folding Mirror poem uses a double mirror image, as you might experience in a vehicle or barber/hairdresser’s, as a metaphor tool for contemplating life in middle-age.

Through the Looking Glass Reflect Future and Past

reflecting front view mirror
I can see behind
and me looking ahead
as memory is used to review
yourself previewing one’s future

I sit in the middle, neither here nor there

contemplating half life past
like reflection can show the way 
my back is visible 
before what is ahead
through rear looking glass