As millions around the world celebrate today being the last latest day of the Most Ideal Sunrise Time of mistYmuse 20/21; the 5th of 5 days at 8.24 in Leeds; and something called New Year’s Eve; here’s yesterday’s news:
It was a classic crisp sunrise this morning, whereas yesterday all the action was in the pre-sunrise: kind of like “a support band blowing the headliners off the stage’ in the music world.
To use another analogy, from the sporting world, even the pre-sunrise can be called a ‘game of two halves’.

The first half was a big cloud sky reminiscent of the ‘Wizard of Oz’:

Then the colours turned deeper, to the classic POP (PinkyOrangePurple):

My books are still free to download until tomorrow (January 1st): on Smashwords and Amazon. Happy New Year!

sun dog double new pop art photos

Cloudy mornings the last couple of days so these photos are unpublished ones from Sunday, 27th. Bit of sleety snow this morning, but sunny now; and nice day forecast for tomorrow; and morning after for sunrise hopefully.
These are just a few original photos, with crops making up the rest. First 3 are the pre-sunrise. Second three are at the gap that looks like there’s a dog (or more like a skunk in this one?) face there to me, and created a kind of halo rainbow effect this time, which I looked up, and saw it was called a sun dog; so a dog face in the forest, and sunbow ‘dog’ above!
Bottom three were of the sun before, over and after the next gap, timed at 8.52, 8.54 and 8.55.
Sunrise in Leeds is still at its latest time of 8.24; and therefore still the m-ost i-deal s-unrise t-ime of mistYmuse fame; until January 1st.

My last three e-books are also free to read on Smashwords and Amazon until January 1st. Thanks to those who’ve already downloaded them.


Nothing exists for a reason
weather without season
mind matter measling.

Atoms on a spinning ball,
charging together,
out of control.
Lucky we’re not heading for a big fall,
into a black hole event horizon jowl!

Sunrise on my mind,
sunset underneath,
sundown s-witches places,
before I sleep

Posting this inspired the following:
Far better to live alone with the weather,
than suffer abuse just to look ‘together’.

I’m not trying to break any relationships up, and think most of my readers are quite individual anyway; so these are words of community, rather than anarchy; the community of free spirits.

These feelings are eternally mine; a constant theme in my poetry and philosophy; and not a recent feeling. Near the end of XaW Files: Beyond Humanity there is a wordplay on the Wizard of Oz‘s ‘There’s no place like home’. In middle-age I can see the wood for the trees, and the bubble of life I passed through; the incline I climbed. Life is an endurance event: some have extra handicaps imposed on them; while those who don’t usually look for them and pick them up. Most are human/media creations, and can be avoided by those who stick to the real world: with real life (including a normal honest relationship) and nature.


Yesterday’s sunrise was another great one. The first four photos have a good example of how POP (PinkyOrangePurple) sky colours work, with pinky orange light and clouds turned purple. Some crows joined in from the fourth to seventh photos starting on the second row below. The clouds went a bit double snake from 12-14; angelic from 17-21, and then the last four had a ‘lighthouse beams’ effect from the sun, but not as much as in the last post.

My last three e-books free to read on Smashwords and Amazon.

winter solstice eve photos

Midwinter solstice day is a rainy one here: no sunrise gap or cloud silver lining! It doesn’t really matter if you’re just appreciating the views at their most ideal sunrise times for mistYmuse. It only matters if you’ve just got this day to appreciate them, and in the old days particularly if you’ve got a temple built for such days, where the sun would enter a passageway after rising/setting on a solstice or equinox.

Yesterday was much better than expected, with the sun seeming to explode into light like a supernova in space or a lighthouse on Earth. Funnily enough, I’d been discussing lighthouses the previous day on another site (Willow Croft), and had been thinking the revolving light is my favourite part of them. Yesterday’s sunrise light wasn’t revolving, but its looks are similar.

The sky also cleared in the evening so the conjunction was visible. It was good to see for history, but wasn’t as spectacular as earlier in the year for me, when it was nearer, bigger and brighter. Mars is quite sparkly now overhead, while the Orion constellation is also big and bright.

Anyway, midwinter is mostly a celebration of endurance and passing, that winter is half over, and it will start getting lighter now. I hope the first month of mistYmuse has helped you reach this point happily, and that you can now look forward to spring thinking it isn’t too far away, with Christmas timed well to celebrate the end of the first half.

3 free poetry e-books 4 midwinter christmas

A cloudy day today, but the sun still shone through a gap on the horizon, before disappearing into the grey. A few bits of poetic philosophical thought from the last couple of days on Facebook:

Yesterday’s final post-sunrise thoughts:

Collected anagram evidence birth:
threadbare – read breath.
Reined in the berserk.
Returning to Earth.
Mountain trees sea surf.
I think that’s quite enough!

This morning:

A shenel poem (blending shell and kernel for words with another inside):

My h-ear-t has an inner ear,
unwrapping the pea in the pod
of communication you call s-pea-k,
preserving them in a g-row-n row.
(there was an appropriate image on Facebook, and here the alternative colour to black and grey was green!)

Prompted by an MSN article:

Don’t want to be a falien (blending fail-alien); mistake a message from E.T., give away proximity, possibly from Proxima Centauri: Goldilocks #1!
Seriously, if E.T. is contacting me without clarity, it’s difficult to aprende… if they want me to pass it on or keep it secret; if its intentional or accidental; good or evil; trick or treat; I guess I’ll never know… unless we physically meet..!?
P.S. Nice retro greenYgrey image for the new POP age leading the article!

3 Free E-Books

If you like some of the above, I’ve put my last poetry collection and the second of the greenYgrey fantasy fiction trilogy, which also includes a lot of poetry, into the Smashwords end of year sale, so the e-books are free to download and read until New Year.

The third of the greenYgrey trilogy is also free to read with an Amazon Prime account through Kindle Unlimited, and you can take out a free trial membership.


Momentous mistYmuse moments this morning as the band of pinky orange merging with forest trees on the horizon inspired me to start posting live on Facebook, rather than waiting to the end as previously. To me, it felt like a moon landing moment (I can’t remember that, although I was alive!), so I took up that commentary as I posted: lift-off, parting (usually between space ship parts for them, land and sky for sun/me) and mission accomplished when the sun docked above the gap.

One small step for sun, one giant leap for mYmkind!

Forest sunrise, venus surprise

Yesterday’s sunrise lived up to expectations:

There was also a bonus beforehand, as Venus (I think, was due in sky at that time; shame, could claim UFO otherwise!) shone brightly before the sun rose in the same direction:

Today’s forecast wasn’t good, but there was still a sun gap on the horizon, like in my silver lining cloud adaptation with the sky shining pinky orange under mostly cloud.