Sunrise Times and Monthly Differences Update

Another month of mistYmuse 2019/20 (#mYm2020) another hour earlier for the sunrise  – now in Leeds on the last day of February, the 29th in this leap year, at 06.55. Dropping below the 7am mark after the end of January saw it fall under the 8am mark.

It is about 90 minutes earlier than the latest sunrise of the winter at 08.24, which included December 31st. An hour of that increase has been this month, after only half an hour in January.

Likewise, in the other direction, sunset is at 17.52, over an hour later than the end of last month at 16.44. January had seen an increase of 50 minutes, from 15.54.

So that’s an increase of over two hours of light during February. Sunrise and sunset are really the Earth’s rotation bringing where you live on the planet back around to face the sun, and then away from it, as it takes 24 hours to rotate, giving us day and night.

Unfortunately, a few storms and other rain have flooded many parts of the UK. The mistYmuse is a festival of light, putting a positive spin on the traditionally most difficult four months of the year in the UK and northern hemisphere, so some bad weather is expected. I know it won’t provide any support for those physically affected by adverse weather.

I started the greenYgrey after seeing such floods already, as in 2000, and listening to warnings about likely affects of climate change. I don’t know if it is climate change, but it looks like what they predicted.

Heilung Changeling’s Subtle Changes

The biggest thought – I don’t know if it could be seen as spiritually inspired by the shamanic music – I had while watching Heilung’s excellent show was about change actually; yesterday’s little wordplay philosophy poem was an idea I had before, that may have been brought to the fore by those thoughts, and a reposte to those who’ve tried to change me by negativity.

Maybe it was influenced by the first night of the Descended from Odin festival (February 19th) being on the 40th anniversary of Bon Scott’s death; what I remember as the biggest single inspiration on me becoming a full-time metaller in 1980. I had been born in the 1960s anyway, and grew up in the glam rock 1970s:

Moreover, famous DJ and producer, who also crossed over between guitar and electronic music, Andrew Weatherall (somebody I’d heard of, but didn’t know much about), had died earlier in the week at 56, two years older than me; that closely followed Caroline Flack’s rock star reminiscent style death (again, she wasn’t someone I knew well, but knew her name).

While Ozzy sang of going through changes, he’s often lapsed back into his old behaviour. Lemmy seemed to be loved for not changing, but maybe he could have survived a little longer if he had; although he’d made clear in his lyrics he wasn’t bothered about lengthening his life through not living how he wanted. Even Lemmy made subtle changes that could be called selling out though, such as writing ballads and moving to sunny California.

Any changes I’ve made have been due to age or inspiration from positive influences, such as Jane Tomlinson on my fitness, inspiring my marathons. If the negatives have inspired anything, it’s to prove them wrong. While some people were trying to retire – or kill (see Tucker and Dale vs Evil!) – me off in my thirties when I returned to education and was still out clubbing, I still felt young then. In fact, my clubbing endurance was an inspiration to my marathon running; thinking I could transfer the biology.

Watching Heilung’s red-haired singer I thought it was a coincidence, with Axl Rose of Guns N’ Roses also red-haired, and my favourite vocalist in the 1980s. So over the last thirty years I have changed from wanting to watch a male-fronted LA Metal band the most to a female-fronted Nordic pagan folk band, but they are both within the rock genre.

I was surprised how energetic the Heilung concert was too, more like a rock concert than the more spiritual ritual I expected. It even incorporated some trance-style tribal dancing that reminded me of the dance music I got into during the 1990s, as LA Metal was all but killed off by grunge.

So to people who want me to stay in the 1980s or 1990s; or some period since; they are still in my mind and persona, but they are a part of the past, rather than the present.


Pagan Poems from a Certain Time of Music

Everything is all
over thrice small
so double suns
illuminate all as one:


Everything is all
and all is everything
so the pixies sing
high on the wing
through gold rays
flying ancient ways
tring, tring, tring
sounds wind bring
on photosynthesis
sky highway bliss
leaves to branches
trunk, trees’ haunches
Earth’s hum translators
emerging in whispers:
what a very thing
life is after all
is said and done.

Two above written while listening to first 39 minutes of:

ADHD Writer Creates Philosophical Poem While Researching Sun

Altering everything to all
allows enough space
for two suns: sunallsun.

Commented on

I had been searching more on our axial tilt (obliquity) and why it affects our temperatures much more than the Earth’s elliptical – oval rather than round – orbit; it’s because its not as oval as it sometimes looks in images. Good ol’ time and date website gave best explanations in the end!

TimeandDate website.

It included this great image showing clearly the tilt and distance:

Illustration image

Confusingly, it has the Earth on different sides of the sun in this other image, but I guess it doesn’t matter, as the sun doesn’t have north and south poles!?

Illustration showing Earth's position in relation to the Sun at the equinoxes and solstices.

Alien Origin – Shenel Document Revealed

Shenel – proposal for the naming of a word containing others within its two outer letters.
The name derives from combining (blending or portmanteau) the first three letters of shell and last three of kernel, as in nut. The beginning also, inadvertently on my conscious part, connotates femininity through the pronoun she; that retrospectively made me think the shenel words also resemble a pregnant female carrying a smaller entity. Introspectively, apologies to females if you think I should have thought about you before nuts!
As with most nuts and pregnancies, there is usually one within the outer, but sometimes there are twins, or more. Also, as there are classic shaped nuts, or wonky ones, the shenel can be a classic, such as a kernel word filling all the letters between the shell’s outer ones, or an imperfect one, like the wonky range of fruit and vegetables now featured in supermarkets.
I later researched my concise dictionary, like the PhD graduate I am, and found hundreds of examples.

Is it worth proceeding further? Are you interested in more shenels?

The Future is Fur-Free: Fungi February (Funguary?)

…to have been a mushroom coated in honey ale eaten by an angel –
agaric astronaut flying eternal
beautiful mind sweet dreams…

The above sweet words were fitted into a colourful post theme on my Facebook page, following on from the intentional self-parody (I think this kind of comedy is fun really, and funnier than cracking endless jokes, but that’s just me, and my fondness for sitcomery!):
‘I’m not a fun guy, more like fungi!:
cerebrity rather than celebrity!!:
since re-routing/rooting my cerebral cortex to the universal network via the world wide web!!!’

The above were inspired by this: Fungi history article.

It’s highlights for me were these words:“If you put fungi and green algae together in a liquid, after a couple of weeks, they’ll form some kind of [cooperative] relationship together,” Bonneville says. And this image:

Brain Chemicals Explanation for Introspection

Today I was inspired by a BBC film on the brain chemicals explanation why some people are intrinsically extrovert or introvert, linking back to my thoughts about me being more fungi than fun!:

‘Scientific brain chemicals explanation for extroversion and introversion makes sense: dopamine and acetylcholine. Society used to think extroverts could ‘be quiet’, and introverts ‘snap out of it’, but science says:
introverts overload easily on dopamine, soon needing a break to recover, and thrive on acetylcholine, which is triggered by focusing and concentrating, like while creating arts, making them feel relaxed, alert and content:
Acetylcholine barely registers with extroverts, who seek more and more dopamine!’

So, for those who think I’m ‘weird’, I’m just a probably more introvert than extrovert writer; enjoying my acetylcholine chemicals; writing about similar things to the BBC!

Lie within Believe Great Example of Shenel

To be-lie-ve agnostically
is always to remember
most likely current option
could be proved wrong
sometime in the future.

Believe is a good example of a perfect (same number of letters each side of inside word) shenel (word with another inside, like a nut’s shell and kernel I invented, without naming it after myself) with related words on outside and inside.

See the source image

For more pre-shenel wordplay: