Parody Satire wordplay COMEDY

Negotiating with my mega Hollywood agent; recommended by H&M, no less; I said: ‘without me there would be no more comedy!’.
He turned around to me and shouted, ‘Without me there would be no co-me-dy at all!!’
I said, ‘Okay Cody, pipe down!!!’
Co-me-dy, get it!?

The above was an example of a shenel; my wordplay, as well as parody comedy.

Poem of the Year, 2022

I have created, for those who waited…

Dead Poet’s Society will hopefully see you in 2023…

What you want more, an encore, totally unexpected, so nothing planned.

Oh, I could tell you the above poem was inspired by an afternoon snowfall that coincided with a nap, so the first and third lines wordplay between the snowfall and sleep, while the middle is just w alliteration observation.

New and Last of Trilogy Folding Mirror Poetry Book

After telling readers they should only buy the print book if they really want to read it; due to paper/wood concerns; I again turn normal publicity on its head by declaring my new book not as good as its predecessor, the very excellent 242 Mirror Poems and Reflections.

While that was filled with optimism this is more dystopian; the end of my use of the Folding Mirror form; but contains a few classic poems and they look nice in their Folding Mirror shapes. They have all been published on this website over the last decade, in line with the freedom of information ethos I’ve worked with.

I also kept the prices at their minimums allowed by Amazon and free on Prime; and you can take out a free month’s trial.

Thanks to everybody who has contributed to the poetry and this site over the last 15 or so years. The reason then was to try to make a difference, and that song’s still the same. I was a realist then, and thought I was only slowing down our decline rather than saving us; and recent events have shown how powerless we are; but I’m less inclined now to feel despair!