Tag Archives: internet

Happy Y-Day with Annie Lennox

I hope you’ve had a great Y-day, and it’s helped you cope with Blue Monday, supposedly the most depressing day of the year, in the northern hemisphere. Apparently it was a misty morning again this morning, but I didn’t see it; it had evaporated before I awoke. So I also missed the ‘blood wolf moon’ in the early hours too. I did see the full moon earlier, not knowing about it beforehand. So quite an exciting eventful day for Y-Day, although the weather for most of the day has been ordinary greenYgrey.

France2012 063

Y-Day: Looking Back and Forward

I think I had too much T yesterday, celebrating T20, Y-day eve, so I’m T-teetotal today; a day of Tabstinence from after this paragraph, replacing it with a – dash.
-hankfully, ins-ead of wri-ing more poe-ry -oday for Y-day, midpoint of -he mistYmuse win-er fes-ival four mon-hs I remembered Annie Lennox’s Why song. Moreover, when I wa-ched the video I saw she glamorously POPs (PinkyOrangePurple).

Sorry if i-‘s a li–le sad, apar- from -he wordplay -o -he le–er self-parody comedy, but Y-day is a day of mixed emo-ions, remembering -he mis- mon-hs, while looking forward -o -he muse, and the re-urn of spring… which should be more amusing!

Saturday Saturn Rings Wooden Shjips Mix Space Journey

For ears I sailed on wooden ships while my eyes watched a dying spacecraft feel rain falling from Saturn’s rings, sending me off course, of course, returning my memory to Blade Runner (+2049):


Deeper into my mind I remembered an Iron Buddha album cover that reminded me of the greenYgrey’s third of a fantasy fiction travel quest to a new POP (PinkyOrangePurple twilight times) art theme, searching for our Andy Warhol, Andy Wolfhol, whose favourite catchphrase was wolf not war:

Before wondering if POP is all in my mind, a product of all them witches!:

The thought of so much great relatively unknown underground music on YouTube comforted what is left of the writer in me:

New Mirror Poem from Writer Genius Wordsmith

I started having these ideas last night, so they would have been philosotea if I’d drank tea at tea-time, but I didn’t drink it yesterday, and just had a couple of coffees, as the second one was a bit late. I was listening to a new album by the Spacelords, and think it helped my mind rise, as Goldray did last year with their POPtastic (PinkyOrangePurple) Rising record.

Goldray - Rising (2017)

A new band to me, The Spacelords also had a great greenYgrey world cover for their Liquid Sun album.

Too Late for Managenius

With lots of talk about football manager genius this week, and having created my wrIus writer/ing-genius word for myself (and others who follow, or that have already been) – such new words combining parts of two others are called blends according to the Oxford Dictionary – I thought last night I hadn’t heard managenius used. So I looked it up, and think I was right about a football context, but it has been used by a French management consultancy.

I also had a few ideas for new Folding Mirror poems, or parts of the same one:

double negative fm
can tell badness of others as side with dark side (written about in my bipolarity poetry)
interpret my behaviour from wrong basis

I started off with the idea of writing it this morning, in a state of complete coffilosophy, although the spirit of philosotea. It ended up being a little different, but with some similarities, leaving the door open for another poem or two from the ideas above.

The title was inspired by an article I read this week about chimps, and how they share our dark side, suggesting an evolutionary link. I loved chimps when I was young, mostly inspired by the PG Tips advert I think, so I’ve been disappointed to see they’ve got a dark side, but accept it. However, the good news of chimps’ similarity to humanity is that on this year’s series of Animals With Cameras a chimp was shown washing its hands, cleaning its teeth and thoughtfully weaving together a nest from leaves (clip available on website above – don’t know if available outside U.K.).

I laugh to myself because I think a lot about other things while zoning out to the television, even if the programme’s interesting; I think down to Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), but don’t know how far I am on the spectrum? I often have to rewind programmes having missed a few minutes, as I’ve written about before, and included in my poetry.

That’s one of the reasons why I consider it dangerous to be around one-dimensional people in the new ‘Big Brother’ age!

Advertised Childhood Chimpanzee, Evolutionary Family Tree

Gogglebox guilty
laughing to myself
while bad news
on television
looking around
hoping see
still free
amongst 21-C humanity

face value judgements, predictably negative sentiments

 complex 3-D brain
maybe sane
channelling pain
thinking beyond
modern media
view in front
wanting to write
innocent beauty

Gogglebox is a programme revolving around watching people watching television.

242 Mirror Poems and Reflections by [Latham, Marc]

Liebster Award for FMPoetry. Thanks to KJP Garcia.

Wow, fmpoetry had a nice surprise this morning, as we’ve been given a Liebster Award by KJP Garcia.  Many thanks to Kenyatta for the award.  Also thanks to all the poets and readers that have kept this site going with their creativity and time.
The Liebster Award
KJP’s excellent blog had been awarded the Liebster by the writeitfeelit blog, and then Kenyatta was supposed to pick five blogs to pass it on to, and this blog was the first chosen on the list.
KJP explains the Liebster Award thus:
Liebster is a German word meaning dearest, and the award is given to up-and-coming bloggers with less than 200 followers.
If you receive the award, you should:
1. Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
2. Reveal your top five picks and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog.
3. Copy and paste the award on your blog.
4. Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favourite bloggers and keep it going!
Passing on the Liebster Award 
As this is a poetry site I thought I should focus on other poetry sites, and apologies to anybody who thinks they deserve to be on the list but aren’t.  My five picks are:
1.  http://tigergrove.wordpress.com/

2. http://norfolkpoetsww.blogspot.com/

3. http://www.sarah-james.co.uk/
4. http://lewisturco.typepad.com/odd_and_invented_forms/
5. http://realmofthecrow.wordpress.com/