Category Archives: mistYmuse

ancient astronomy city centre sunrises

The March equinox was yesterday and today is the end day of mistYmuse 20/21: four months after mYm 20/21 started, and five months after False Dawn Week! I hope it helped you through the traditionally toughest four or five months in the UK and northern hemisphere year.

This is one of three posts I hope to bring you today, bringing the biggest mistYmuse ever to a fireworks finale!

Ancient Astronomy Angle

I wasn’t awake for this morning’s sunrise, but wasn’t too bothered, as was for last year’s, and can see from this 20/3/20 photo how much the sun is further along the horizon from the three buildings it rose near on March 12th this year (as seen in photo below it).

March 20th:

March 12th:

On March 6th (last year), for the most iconic of mornings, the sun rose the other side of the three buildings:

On February 28th, this year, those three buildings are nearly out of the photo, and the hospital (circle above) becomes the next landmark;

On the 17th of February (last year) the sun was over the city centre, with the hospital (circled) nearly out of the photo. That tree has now been cut, exposing the pylon behind it.

A week earlier (on February 10th this year), it rose near the pylon, between the city centre and the south of the city across the River Aire:

On January 29th it had been below the city centre altogether.

Heilung headliner award winner

Last year was the twelfth prestigious (partly parodygious self-parody; putting myself on a par with a big event, but with real events, and really the gig of the year for me) gYg rock n’ roll hall of fame, with the Descended from Odin festival; part of the York Viking Festival; providing the venue. There’s a great review on Ostara Metal that I agree with pretty much totally!

The first cases of covid-19 in the UK had recently been found in York, but were thought to have been contained and quarantined successfully, so it was a bit of a weird atmosphere. The general message at the time was that it was similar to the flu, and young people creating a herd immunity was a good thing.

I’d had a nasty flu in January, so thought maybe I’d had covid-19 before it got publicised in the UK, but recently took an antibodies test for UK Biobank, and tested negative, so I don’t think I’ve had covid-19 now, although a negative antibodies test doesn’t guarantee you haven’t had it. I’ve been much healthier this winter while avoiding (Beyond!) humanity!

Here’s a few photos I took (I hadn’t seen the request not to take photos mentioned in the Ostara review!). The first ones (reddish) are Nytt Land; then (purplish) Saor, then (greyish) Heilung:

I also took a video of Nytt Land:

The gYg rock n’ roll hall of fame now looks like this:

  • 2009: Lynyrd Skynyrd
  • 2010: Guns N’ Roses and Skid Row
  • 2011: Motley CrueDef Leppard and Steel Panther
  • 2012: W.A.S.P.
  • 2013: Alice in Chains, Ghost and Walking Papers
  • 2014: The Pretty RecklessHeaven’s Basement and Nothing More
  • 2015: Motley Crue, Alice Cooper and The One Hundred
  • 2016: Black Sabbath, Rammstein, Saxon, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, The Wildhearts, Halestorm, The Temperance Movement, Kadavar, the Gutterdammerung band and movie, The Electric Wizard, Rival Sons, Sixx A.M., The Amorettes, The Men That Will Be Blamed For Nothing, Avatar, Monster Truck, Whiskey Myers, Grand Magus, Scorpion Child, Inglorious, Royal Republic, Santa Cruz, Deftones, Strange Bones, Graveyard, Tremonti and Gojira.
  • 2017: Guns N’ Roses, The Kills and Tyler Bryant and the Shakedown
  • 2018: Rose Tattoo and Girlschool
  •  2019: The Cult and Piston
  • 2020: Heilung, Nytt Land, Týr, Saor, Seidrblot, Gaahls WYRD, Winterfylleth, Wyrdstæf and Jo Quail.

The greenYgrey world always had a pagan theme, and ended in Scandinavia, land of Odin.


Sometimes I hear people described as always having had a ‘sunny disposition’; did that mean they were ignorant or uncaring? I could have a ‘sunny disposition’ all the time if I avoided any thoughts of reality. Unfortunately, I can see the negatives in even the closest and most personal elements of ‘my world’; seemingly unlike those who criticise us the most, ignoring their own failings and blaming them all on us! Now, I think I should have taken any white male privilege I had when I had the chance. But in reality, my mind keeps on being ‘greenYgrey’!

Clouds Obscuring Clear Sunny Happiness

Humanity = my species / out of control overcrowding planet
Whites = my race / mostly meat-eating environment destroyers
Britain = my country / cold, cloudy with continuous class system

Then there’s all the problems on the social/personal level, with daily tragedy dished up by the media, and people you know if you’re in large social circles.

Then there’s life, knowing we’ve got a limited amount of time, but not knowing for sure where our world came from or what’s beyond our universe.

Accepting humanity and the world are always going to be full of flaws and deteriorating in our lifetimes is a big step in freeing your mind from continuously running it uphill to try and get it over a non-existent peak… in fact you’re just helping it go faster downhill (creating more overpopulation, environmental destruction, species extinction etc).

For more misery, there’s books full on Amazon. Not that I’m completely miserable, just the usual mix!

art of defragmented minds

Posting about my art yesterday reminded me of the first ten minutes of this video (which I first watched a couple of months ago), where Jordan Peterson (I hadn’t heard of him; and didn’t know Russell Brand was doing them!; before seeing this video, suggested by YouTube, after I’d watched other podcasts) talks about patterns of universal frequency.

Peterson says a couple of PTSD sufferers with fragmented minds started doing art, and their spontaneous drawings were fragmented at first. As they recovered, their art became more symmetrical and regular; like mandalas.

When I started drawing after taking redundancy from work, I was very drawn (unconscious at first, then noticed by conscious, pun!) towards drawing, and it included this very lined one, which ended up reminding me of an angel or mothman.

sun brand success

A couple of years ago I thought of doing this brand to create a ‘sun’ above the winged creature tattoo. I researched it before, and did it with an antibacterial-cleansed coin; and have taken care of them hygienically afterwards.

I’m not recommending/suggesting it, and don’t expect any ‘reward’ for doing it. It has some ‘spiritual’ resonance for me, as a sun lover/worshipper, but I do it agnostically, unilaterally and unconditionally, and without expectations.

Mainly, I just saw it as a way of doing the ‘tattoo’ I most wanted myself; to save money and do something myself artistically, as I was drawing a lot about reclaiming my life and mind then too.

I can understand Harry and Meghan feeling ‘trapped’, but who doesn’t if they’re working to pay bills etc; H+M had a lot more luxury and space to do it in than most people working and living like battery caged hens in offices and overcrowded cities; trapped into taking ‘bullsh*t’ every day to survive and try to thrive!

I don’t think of it as self-harm; more self-building; if it has any mental health significance I think it’s my need to take back control of myself, after years of feeling bullied and manipulated in university, work and society; across demographics; and even on my travels, where ‘woke warriors’ would do the ‘Niqab Nazi’ salute covering their face with their hand!

I’ve never asked anyone about it, but guess my support for females like Malala fighting against the Taliban was twisted to me being sexist/Islamophobic!

That was partly the inspiration for my XaW Files: Beyond Humanity book title; although it means other things as well, such as the knowledge of our world, universe and ourselves we don’t have. In the greenYgrey trilogy, it was also the end of the road, and the protagonist’s leaving.

pop art photos penultimate week of mym 20/21

Yesterday’s sunrise at 6.30 was a greenYgrey one:

Compared to Week and Fortnight Earlier

The sunrise (really: our first view of the sun as our planet spins) has now reached the last landmark on the Leeds panorama; three university buildings in the north of the city), a little more north than March 6th (taken last year: cranes to the north now gone. In this year’s photos, the tree has now grown to block that gap where sun rising!):

And a lot more than February 28th this year:

historic mistymuse photos

A year ago yesterday the photos below were taken, and comparing them to photos earlier in the week started the ancient astronomical angle to the mistYmuse.

It is far better to refine than revolt

Sand Gazes Out of Hourglass, Wishes Put Out to Grass

D’ evil to fill lower void
life’s gra-in-dients to avoid
thinking it’ll fall straight under

sands of time, yours and mine

learning too late gravity rules
never seeing glass controller
meaning one becomes two added time

*The heading paraphrases “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” I thought it was Shakespeare, but attributed to Abraham Lincoln or Mark Twain!

*The Poem
D’ evil wordplays devil.
gra-in-dients: grain and gradients.
yours and mine: everybody.
gravity rules: double meaning, rules of gravity and gravity rules! exclamation.
one becomes two cross references ‘yours and mine’ and how evil multiplies the ‘sand time’ already given, and can become a part of you, such as time in prison being an all embracing main ‘partner’; or just guilt/regret in the brain.

Hourglasses have been written about quite a lot on this site, as you can see by searching, and are in my last poetry collection.

They’ve probably been of renewed interest to my neurons since one was featured in the The Pretty Reckless song/video 25:


I don’t need anything to wake up for…
I just need nothing to sleep…

I used to think I worshipped you,
but now I know it was the ideal me…
because the vision’s become, sun shining through tree.

We should have statues for all the environmentalists killed in Africa, trying to save animals and world, such as the Adamsons (Born Free: Joy and George murdered nine years apart) and Dian Fossey (Gorillas in the Mist).Other statues for locals killed, like the many in the Amazon.

Prophet Mohammed of Islam fame should definitely be cancelled, as he had a 9-year-old in his harem!

It’s ironic that Princess Latifa (mid-30s age) and the other captive princesses are being ‘protected’ by their fathers, when the groomed girls in the UK were being enticed out of their homes, and away from parents who tried to keep their children indoors when they knew what was happening. That’s how Islam works, locking their females up, while grooming others to them, where they ruin their lives, chipping away at local communities, so they can’t have family lives. The Yazidi women raped by I.S. had to leave their I.S.-raped children behind, and they and their families and communities will have to live with it forever.

This is how I feel on the edge of the greenYgrey world, with the bulldozer of mass media humanity against me!

What makes animals automatically mate, fighting each other for a partner and position; sometimes to the death; not seeming to enjoy it, and endangering themselves while pregnant and caring for the young. Only humanity will miss most species; the animals will just miss a mate; probably wondering what life was all about… like many humans now!.

If there was no Earth there’d be no air, devoid of atmosphere. Our space would be void, only matter would matter, not eco disaster

Everything on Earth all in mind, space we know and hope to find, but the bigger picture is beyond mankind, possibilities signed…

Our lost Princess Latifah
looked oh so sweeter
taken by cancer forever
not locked away by father!

The great greenYgrey journey… I’ve often taken too… feeling a pull to England across the Severn… out of more distant travel/music_events necessity… my Jersey birthplace… or ancient memory?

Every Muslim ‘women’ feature should be framed/introduced with the fact that the Prophet Mohammed had a harem that included a 9-year-old: Ayeesha. The Princess Latifa story is the latest example of it not changing much since; following the I.S. treatment of women in the Middle-East, Taliban in Afghanistan, and ‘grooming gangs’ in the Western world.

Above posted on Facebook first.